CCI Waterbased Colour Matching System Kit
This is a great kit for dialing in Pantone colours or colour matching specific hues from samples. The online tool works fairly well to match Pantone. Although it has a limited number of colour codes it can generate recipes for, it has more than enough to make starting points to tweak your own variation. The kit includes all the pigments necessary to make your own recipes for process colour mixes or whichever other colour mixing system you prefer. If you want to make smaller batches it's best to have a scale that will measure fractions of a gram, since the ink is mostly W-Base and the pigment amounts are often tiny. But that's exactly what makes this kit such a great deal. You will go through many gallons of W-Base before you run out of pigment, so despite the initial investment using this system can end up much cheaper than buying the same volume of pre-mixed ink. If you want to make lots of smaller batches of different colours, or experiment with colours , then this kit is a cost effective and precise way to do it.