Deluxe Screen Printing Introduction Kit
- Our most affordable kit with everything necessary to realize the joys of screen printing. All you need to do is start thinking up your own custom designs.
- Features 4 colour tabletop Riley Hopkins Jr Press
- BBC Afford-A-Flash flash dryer
- All of the equipment, products and tools required and used by professional shops in a small affordable package.
- $300 of savings by purchasing all the items in a package.
4 Colour / 1 Station Riley Hopkins 150
- Rigid station arms
- Hot rolled steel and aircraft grade aluminum
- American made
- Tough springs to hold screens upright
- 2” diameter center post
- Tapered roller bearings
- Sturdy screen clamps

- Perfect flash for small start ups
- Spot dries and fully cures print jobs
- 16"X16" 1600 watt infrared element
- Rotating stand
- Runs off regular household electrics

UV Screen Exposure Light

Tech Specs:
- Electrical: 110v 50W
- UV Wave Length: 390-400nm
- Comes with Union Ink quart sized containers of: red, blue, black and white.
- High quality professional grade plastisol inks that will give vibrant colours and quality prints.
- Emulsion - 1 quart (Enough to coat 25 screens)
- Emulsion Remover
- 1 Quart Ink Cleaner / Screen wash
- 1 Quart Screen dehazer/stain remover
- Spray pallet adhesive - 1 Can
- 4 aluminum 20" X 24" 110mesh screens
- 4 Squeegees - 2x14" 2x10"
- Scoop Coater 14"
- 20 sheets of 8.5"X11" inkjet film positives
*You may substitue a different press or flash unit. Contact us for details.